Daniel Field Weather
4:07 pm, Mar 19, 2025
temperature icon 90°F
clear sky
Humidity Humidity: 40 %
Pressure Pressure: 1019 mb
Wind Wind: 3 mph
Wind Gust Wind Gust: 7 mph
Clouds Clouds: 0%
Visibility Visibility: 6 mi
Sunrise Sunrise: 5:22 am
Sunset Sunset: 7:41 pm


Flight Training and Maintenance


Flight Training and Maintenance

Our Services

Cirrus Flight Training and Maintenance Center

Augusta Aviation is excited to announce the expansion of our fleet to include a Cirrus SR20. With this new addition, we are now able to offer extensive flight school opportunities to our students, as well as to our cirrus maintenance customers. Dive into the new world of aviation technology with the most advance aircraft in the market today. 

Flight TRaining

We are the only flight school in the CSRA with a Cirrus aircraft and CSIP (Cirrus Standardized Instructor Pilot) instructor. We offer primary, instrument, commercial, CFI and CFII training in our Cirrus SR20. Explore the skies and our customized flight training programs.

Ready to takeoff and learn to fly with Cirrus? We are ready for you. 

CAPS AND Maintenance

Cirrus is marked as one of the safest aircraft available today because of its parachute capabilities. As a full service Cirrus Service Center, our skilled technicians are able to deliver comprehensive aircraft maintenance services to keep your aircraft flying at peak performance. From routine inspections to complex repairs, parachute repacks and more, we ensure reliability and safety in every operation.

What our clients say

Experience the Luxury of cirrus

What are the major differences between Cirrus Aircraft and other general aviation aircraft? Aside from the parachute system, Cirrus Aircraft are equipped with a beautiful dash display that makes flying even more enjoyable. It’s air conditioning and ample leg room create the ultimate luxury flying experience.